Overall results are pretty good from a recent 2025 budget survey conducted by the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe which was available for public feedback from August 1 to September 6. At a recent council meeting, staff reported that they received 46 responses in total, which was an improvement compared to recent years but overall still low for the Township population.
Some highlights from the survey included 60% of respondents leaned more towards digital communication, like website and social media, and 65% felt current communication methods were doing the job. In relation to how the public felt about services supplied by the Township, 84% rated them as fair, good, or excellent, which was actually a 12% decrease from the survey last year. 60% of the respondents were in favour of a tax increase to maintain current service levels, while 11% favored higher taxes to expand services, and 24% preferred cutting services to avoid tax hikes.
Infrastructure emerged as a top funding priority for 36% of respondents. Some favored capping annual increases at 1%, while others were open to using debt for projects. Satisfaction levels remained high in key areas like the Kerwood Park along with winter maintenance and roads.
Written by: C. Soares