A new sport and league is making its way to Strathroy-Caradoc and that is Roller Hockey. Danny Larocque, President of the Tri-Township Roller Hockey Association tells myFM Roller Hockey is for all ages.
Sign up is on now, the season starts in April and will go to about mid-August. It costs $250 for kids to play for the season and $275 for adults. You can sign up at Tri-Townshipwolves.com. Each person is guaranteed 15 games. Larocque says if you already play hockey, you have almost all the equipment.
He goes on to say there is a lot of opportunity that comes with Roller Hockey. You can go on to play at Universities in the United States and you could even represent Canada at tournaments.
Tri-Township-RH (tri-townshipwolves.com)
written by: K. Close