Happy Volunteer week to all volunteers!
The Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend relies on volunteers to make their shows unforgettable. With 5 productions hitting the stage from late July to early September, the popular summer theater will require many helping hands to assist the thousands of theatergoers that will attend more than 100 performances over the course of this milestone season.
Do you have a passion for theater? If so, becoming a volunteer at the Huron Country Playhouse is a fantastic opportunity to learn what it’s like to work behind the scenes, while helping others to discover the exciting experience of attending a live performance.
Volunteers do a variety of tasks including acting as ambassadors for the theatre by ushering at performances – duties include welcoming patrons, checking tickets, leading audience members to their seats, and more. They may also assist with special events or help spread the word about upcoming shows through local distribution of promotional materials.
The theatre is also supported by the Huron Country Playhouse Guild, a dedicated volunteer group working at arms-length who generate awareness for the Huron Country Playhouse through marketing and networking initiatives. For almost fifty seasons, the dedicated Guild volunteers have been active in raising funds, operating the Gift Shoppe, and providing ongoing support to the Huron Country Playhouse. Each year the Guild holds many events and fundraisers such as the Huron Country Playhouse Guild Gala and the Guild Fashion Show.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at the Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend, contact Ellen Berwick, Director of Audience Services by email at ellenb@draytonentertainment.com, phone at 519-621-5511 ext. 253, or visit www.draytonentertainment.com/Online/article/volunteer.
“The Huron Country Playhouse was founded on volunteerism, and that spirit of generosity still flourishes today. Quite simply, we couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers’ support and commitment to the arts,” says Alex Mustakas, Artistic Director of Drayton Entertainment. “We’re looking for enthusiastic people who want to donate their time and energy to provide a positive experience for everyone who visits the theatre in Grand Bend.”
Written by: K. Close