For the 2nd year in a row, there will not be a Strathroy Lions Club Ricco Foods Santa Claus Parade through the downtown streets of Strathroy. myFM has obtained the official statement from the Strathroy Lions Club.
Lions Club Official Statement
“The Strathroy Lions Club has regrettably decided not to hold the Santa Claus Parade for another year. The reasons for this unfortunate decision are:
1 – That the Club, County, Municipality and Co-Sponsor Ricco Foods would have no liability insurance coverage for any COVID related claim.
2 – The unlikelihood of the Club being able to fulfill the onus on it to implement and enforce COVID protection measures for this event involving large crowds of Parade attendees and participants spread over a large area.
3 – The uncertainty of predicting the pandemic numbers and Government restrictions in November when the Parade preperations must be attended to months in advance.”