It’s Women of Influence Day here on myFM brought to you by NAMCOR Custom Laser Services. Jaclyn Costa is the Broker of Record with Synergy Realty, and a mother of six. She has had a very successful career thus far in real estate, and found the profession through her parents. Both worked in the industry but her mother really paved the way for her, as Jaclyn watched her passion and strength with her own company.
She says that her biggest challenge is that she is constantly under-estimated.
She is also involved as a volunteer in the community, having worked with Holy Cross Secondary School to help get grade 11 and 12 students onto construction sites to try out the trades industries.
Jaclyn says that the thing she’s most proud of is being able to be a mother, while also being successful.
And her advice to other women is to have a strong mind, and attack any goal.
Here is the full interview with Jaclyn Costa.