Southwest Middlesex will soon have additional items of viewing for travellers through the Municipality with some new historic murals thanks to some donations from the public. One of the donations coming from Marilyn Buttery of Strathroy, as one of her many annual “Mar for Mayors” program donations with this installment being $4000. Southwest Middlesex Mayor Allan Mayhew says new murals will be displayed in Wardsville, Melbourne, Appin, two in Glencoe and a 6th from an anonymous individual will head for Glencoe as well.
Photos from the Glencoe Historical Society will be displayed with the Historical Society itself contributing $1,000 for installation.
Wardsville’s mural will display the Mimna Brothers Granite & Marble Works, from around 1904.
The Melbourne mural will show the old Home Bank of Canada, the same bank that was robbed back in the day and which was recently celebrated for its 100th anniversary.
The Mural in Appin will feature the A.W. McPhee General Store and will be mounted on the Ekfrid Community Centre.
Glencoe’s first mural will go up at Foodland and will display apple pickers filling wooden barrels for the local market. The second mural will capture the financial district of the early 1900’s in the town.
The anonymously donated mural in Glencoe will feature a late 1800’s look at 15 business facades on Main Street.