Welcome to Brooke Central!
Lambton Public Health (LPH) reported today that, currently, a total of nine cases of COVID-19 in Lambton County have screened positive for a Variant of Concern (VOC). One of those was identified in a case who has a permanent address in Lambton County, but who currently resides in another health unit. An additional three VOC cases have been investigated and found to be close contacts of each other. There was also an outbreak declared at Brooke Central Public School in Alvinston Wednesday after learning six cases associated with the school tested positive for COVID-19. Two of the six cases from the school also screened positive for a VOC. As a result of the outbreak and identification of VOCs in the school community, Lambton Public Health required the school to transition to online learning for a period of 14 days, at which time it will be re-assessed.