David Rosser (Coordinator Myte Hockey Program Strathroy)
Dave Rosser has been involved with Strathroy Minor Hockey since his oldest son who is now 10 picked up the game, and he now runs the Preschool Myte hockey program. It’s an introductory program, teaching kids from 3 to 6 years old the basics of the sport. It’s the first year Rosser has been involved. Keeping the kids focused is a routine challenge Rosser says just because they’re at such a young age, but seeing them develop from the first time on the ice until the end of the year is something that makes him feel proud. He took over the role because the long time leader of the program retired and he felt it was an honour to do so as the program itself has been a long time mainstay of the association in Strathroy. Rosser says just get out there if you’re interested in or have ever considered coaching, the more the merrier and help is always needed.