Ward 2 Councillor Bo Derbyshire is the latest councillor to resign from the troubled Strathroy-Caradoc Housing Corporation, following Donna Pammer and Greg Wilsie. Having just been named to the board in January, we asked Derbyshire why.
Derbyshire says by stepping down, council will be forced to take another look at the Corporation, hopefully making some changes. He says one negative right now is that it can’t apply for grants, since it’s not at full compliment. He says he has also reached out to London-Middlesex Community Housing, asking for their feedback and expertise. They already oversee a development on Head Street in Strathroy and three in Newbury.
That idea, or any that might help, is supported by Deputy Mayor Mike McGuire, who sits as a Director on the Strathroy-Caradoc Housing Corporation.
McGuire says he feels the focus now should be on replacing Derbyshire, so their council compliment is back up to four, then moving on to fill in the rest of the Board.
Written by: L. Dickson