Strathroy-Caradoc Police are investigating a swatting incident from Tuesday evening. Police tell myFM, they responded to a call for a possible shooting in a residence in the area of Southfield Drive and Park Street in Strathroy. Officers supported by officers from the OPP initiated the investigation and within a short period of time determined that the incident was a hoax, commonly referred to as “Swatting”. Swatting is when someone calls for emergency services to respond to a false incident, with the intent to elicit a large police presence.
The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service has assigned its Criminal Investigation Division to continue the investigation into who is responsible for activating emergency services to this deceitful emergency call. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a person determined to responsible for a “Swatting” incident may be charged with Public Mischief, Mischief to Property as well as other potential criminal charges.
SCPS are requesting that if anyone has information about this crime to contact SCPS at 519-245-1250 x1 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
Written by: C. Soares
(photo/video: submitted)