Once we thought that areas like Alexandra Park and Centennial Parks in Strathroy were only flood plain ,but we have found out this spring and summer that there’s plenty more areas that have issues with flooding and it’s not because of flood plains. Another heavy rainfall day Monday and issues with flooding especially in the Collins Way and Elwood Street areas. The flooding gets so bad that the streets get closed and homeowners in those areas are either not able to return home to check on their houses are not able to leave their neighborhood until the water levels dissipate.
Another question also remains, and that is, is this area the only area in Strathroy with potential storm drain and sewer issues. Council will be discussing this topic at their meeting tonight. myFM has reached out to the Municipal Public Works department for comment.
Here is the part of tonight’s Council agenda that will be focused on this particular area.
filestream.ashx (escribemeetings.com)
Written by: C. Soares