The Middlesex-London Health Unit has sent out over 41,000 letters to JK to grade 12 students asking for updated immunization records. Manager of the Vaccine Preventable Disease team Tracey Gordon says the letters are just to collect missing information, for now.
As of right now, no suspensions have been sent out to students but it may be a possibility come the new year. The COVID Vaccine is not mandatory for JK to grade 12 students.
The Western Fair District Agriplex and Caradoc Community Centre in Mount Brydges is offering immunizations for JK to grade 12 students. The clinics will be open until September 23rd. At this time, there is no deadline as to when the immunization records need to be in. However, the MLHU will be looking at how many records they have received near October and will resend letters again to students they have not received records from. The MLHU would also like to thank everyone who has updated their records and received the necessary immunizations.
written by: K. Close