It’s a classic case of well worth the wait. Middlesex County Library hosted an official opening Tuesday morning of the Strathroy EarlyON Child & Family Centre. It’s housed inside the Strathroy Library and was made possible through $525,000 in funding from the provincial and federal governments. Nadine Devin, project manager with Middlesex EarlyON, notes the centre was originally to have opened this spring.
In the process, creating welcoming spaces for children and their caregivers, says Warden Cathy Burghardt-Jesson, and Devin couldn’t agree more.
EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer free programs to parents and caregivers and their children from birth to six years of age. In Middlesex, EarlyON is managed by Middlesex County Library.
Families with children 0 to 6 years of age are invited to register for EarlyON programs. For information on locations, dates, and times, visit middlesex.ca/earlyon.