It’s Women of Influence Day here on myFM brought to you by NAMCOR Custom Laser Services. Cathy Burghardt-Jesson is the Middlesex County Warden, and the Mayor of Lucan-Biddulph. Going into municipal politics was the next step for her after being president of Lucan Minor Hockey. Cathy has always been very involved in the community, volunteering her time outside of her roles with different organizations like the Canadian Cancer Society.
She says that though she doesn’t feel like a women of influence, knowing that people feel she makes a difference, and that she has a valuable voice at the table is something she has struggled with.
She said that her advice for women who are interested in municipal politics, is to know that there will be roadblocks, but don’t be afraid of them, and know that you have her as support.
She added that women now are so fortunate that they can pursue anything they want, which is different than how it was when she was growing up. Choices that women have now, she did not have, and they have the opportunity to do whatever they want.
Here is the complete interview with Cathy Burghardt-Jesson.