The MS Bike Ride is ready for their 2021 virtual challenge with everyone collectively working towards riding 90,000KM by September 18th.
The 2021 virtual MS Bike Ride with GPS Challenges is to accommodate the current health crisis, which has also impacted the community who you are riding for. On average 11 Canadians are diagnosed with MS each day, and during the pandemic, there is even more uncertainty on top of the already challenging disease. There is a need for resources and support now more than ever before.
You can register for this years challenge online and participate in different experiences like training rides, challenges for all levels, and an online rally on September 18th.;jsessionid=00000000.app321a?NONCE_TOKEN=DCB609F1108B902CB96A61B08FB3B546&pagename=bike_homepage&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI19LN_8LT8QIV221vBB303gAqEAAYASAAEgI6VPD_BwE