The Thames Valley Health Team, London Health Sciences Centre and Middlesex-London Health Unit have announced that the London COVID-19 assessment centres will remain open for testing on Victoria Day, Monday May 24th.
The Carling Assessment Centre will be open from 9:00am to 7:00pm and the Oakridge Assessment Centre will be open from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Phone lines will not be available for booking on the 24th, but booking an appointment online will still be available. Telephone booking will open back up on Tuesday May 25th.
To book an appointment to get tested visit www.covidtestinglm.ca/online-booking.
The Middlesex-London Health Unit, London Health Sciences Centre and Thames Valley Health Team ask that the general public book their COVID-19 testing appointments online as much as possible.
Before booking, please ensure that you meet Ontario’s provincial guidelines:
– Are showing COVID-19 symptoms.
– Have been exposed to a confirmed case of the virus, as informed by Middlesex-London Health Unit or exposure notification through the COVID Alert app; or
– Live or work in a setting that has a COVID-19 outbreak, as identified and informed by MiddlesexLondon Health Unit; or
– Have no symptoms and require a test as an essential health worker, for Long Term Care visits, a medical procedure, cancer treatment, or;
– Are eligible for testing as part of a targeted testing initiative:
– Residents or workers in homeless shelters or other congregate settings
– International students that have passed their 14-day quarantine period
– Farm workers
– Individuals who identify as Indigenous
– Individuals, and one accompanying caregiver, with written prior approval for out-of-country medical services from the General Manager, OHIP
– Individuals who are travelling into remote/isolated First Nation and Indigenous communities for work purposes.
– School staff inclusive of itinerant, supply specialty teachers, and childcare staff, and school bus drivers
All London COVID-19 Assessment Centre news and updates will be posted on their website www.covidtestinglm.ca or on their social media accounts; Twitter: @COVIDtestingLM Facebook: COVIDtestingLondonMiddlesex