The Grand Bend Village Farmers’ Market is about to open for another season with a twist. They are set to open today in the parking lot of Oakwood Resort off Highway 21. In order to maintain social distancing and hygiene guidelines set out by Farmers Market Ontario, there will be no in-person shopping or craft vendors allowed. But organizers of the farmers market are offering online ordering through their website (www.grandbendvillagefm.com). In a news release, Market Manager Joan Brady says they want to make the market as safe and simple for customers and the community. She says once people place their order online, they can pick it up at the parking lot between 9 and 10 am (for customers whose last name begins with the letter A – L), and 10 and 11 am (for M – Z). Brady says for a $5 fee they will deliver your order right to your home. Food vendors presently include: Cedar Villa Angus Farm, Bayfield Berry Farm, Bayfield Maple, Bushy’s Local Salsa, Petojo Food and Catering, Sheldon Berries and Smokey Hollow Farm.