With the cooler weather upon us and winter approaching, you are being reminded of the importance of following the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits the smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes to vape any substance, and the smoking of cannabis in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places to protect workers and the public from second-hand smoke and vapour. Tobacco Enforcement Officer with Southwestern Public Health Kristina McCarthy says during the colder months, they receive an increase in reports of people breaking the act.
McCarthy says if people do experience smoking in their workplace, they can report it by submitting an anonymous claim by visiting takeyourbuttoutside.ca and your local health unit will launch an investigation. She adds that it’s not just employees who can submit a claim but members of the public can also report smoking in an enclosed space if they witness it. Any individual who violates the prohibition on smoking or vaping in smoke-free and vape-free areas may be charged and if convicted, may face a fine of up to $5000.