In case you’re new to golf or have your own rules – you play the game on grass – not county roads and highway. OPP in the patrol district are warning operators of golf carts these vehicles are not meant to be driven on public roadways. The Ministry of Transportation does not include golf carts in the category of Low Speed Vehicles. Yes they don’t go very fast but they’re missing a lot of equipment including DOORS on the passenger compartment – usually they don’t have headlights – turn signal lamps – mirrors or seat belts. And they’re not collision insured. If you take a golf cart onto a public roadway in ONTARIO you can be charged and fined. Offenses include operating a motor vehicle without insurance. That’s a $5000 fine. If you’ve been drinking or using drugs – you could be charged with a variety of criminal offences including operating a vehicle on a public roadway – while impaired.